
Goddess of the afterlife

The Eleusinian Mysteries were amongst the most suggestive and symbolic rites of ancient Greece. They represented the most significant cult of Persephone.
Persephone, beautiful daughter of the goddess Demeter, was enthralled by Narcissus on the slopes of Etna. As the majestic volcano was spurting lava, she did not notice the arrival of Hades on a golden chariot, pulled by white horses. Hades, enraptured by Persephone’s beauty, kidnapped her and took her with him to the underworld.

Hades makes Persephone his by offering her the fruit of the underworld: the pomegranate.
Meanwhile in the world of living, Demeter seeks her daughter and she desperately whale her despair to the point that she moved Zeus (lord of the gods) to intervene. However, Persephone had already eaten four pomegranate seeds and thus she was not allowed to go back amongst the living. She was obliged to remain in the underworld for four months each year (one for each seed she ate) and then she would return to her mother Demeter (goddess of agriculture) for the rest of the year: from spring to autumn which marked the productive seasons of the agricultural calendar in ancient Greece.
The Proserpina Art Room represents the re-birth of Spring: the eternal awakening of mother earth and the eruption of life.
From the entrance you are welcomed by a full moon, a globe of light and symbol of the Spring equinox. On the bathroom wall a ceramic display with fractal geometric patterns by Maestro Iudici reminds us of the continuous recurrence of Spring: always the same and always unique. Surrounding the window are the architraves, which are a jubilation of spring colours. A fresco reminds us of the historical notion of Sicily as the Granary of the Mediterranean Sea. Light shines from globes surrounded by golden reflections that evoke the moon as a good omen for the golden wheat of spring.
Proserpina | Letto2 | Hotel - B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-CataniaThe bedroom opens up with a symbolic representation of a granary, with its wheat sheaves depicted by wooden art. A beautiful fresco in liberty style on the ceiling portrays the myth of Persephone which looks down into a mirrored coffee table that connects us to the myth of Narcissus (…but that is a different legend). The table is supported by a set of planets in motion, the embodiment of the celestial bodies and the alternating of the seasons. Once on the balcony of the art room, amongst the original crafts of Sicilian artists and local Mediterranean plants, you can relish the real rebirth of spring under the volcano.

  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina
  • Proserpina | Panoramica3 | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Zona Living | Hotel - B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Terrazza-poltrone | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Terrazza con vista | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Terrazza | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Terrazza - poltrone2 | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Sculture | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Panoramica4 | Hotel - B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Panoramica2 | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Panoramica1 | Hotel - B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Panoramica Bagno | Hotel - B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Letto2 | Hotel - B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Letto | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Bagno - Vasca | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Bagno - Specchio | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania
  • Proserpina | Bagno - Lavabo | Hotel-B&B | Piazza Mazzini-Centro-Catania